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Cucumber line

Category: Grapes, Cucumbers, vegetables and cherries lines
Dictionary Error: Cucumbers
Company: GREEFA

Greefa Q-Sort Electronic Sorter, with weight, length and curvature sorting systems suitable for cucumbers, eggplants and zucchini, with a capacity of 5,760 to 18,000 pieces per hour per channel.

Sorting systems
Sort by weight
Sort along
Sort by curvature

Classifier features
Fruit length min: 165mm
Fruit length max: 530mm
Curvature: 20%
Fruit weight: 20-800 grams
Channels: 1-2
Speed: 1.6-5 hp. sec / ns

Related files

pdf - 500,72 kb QSort_EN_lowres.pdf (pdf - 500,72 kb)
pdf - 3,44MB Brochures (pdf - 3,44MB)
TORUS web site